
Hello Dirk :slight_smile:

I wrote this sentence and it has so many connectives that I am wondering if it makes any sense at all. Could you please share your thought about it:


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Oh it’s a great question!

So your intuition is right that it’s a bit funky to use so many connectives all in a row. What usually ends up happening is you can leave some out. You will want to check with a native speaker to see what sounds most natural in this case, because there is not really a rule for it (at least, not one that is spelled out).

I’d try for something like: ངའི་བོད་སྐད་འཛིན་གྲྭ་ཡི་རེའུ་མིག་འདི་རེད། or maybe ངའི་བོད་སྐད་ཀྱི་འཛིན་གྲྭ་རེའུ་མིག་འདི་རེད།

Alternatively, in some cases it might be more natural to split things into multiple sentences… It just depends…

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to me, this one looks much better:

I will check later in class. Thanks a lot!

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Let us know what you find out! :slight_smile:

So, my teacher said that both are correct, but this one is actually better:



Great! Then our first guess was best, a good sign :wink: