conjugation in past tenses

we have worked with past tenses that contain the auxiliaries བྱུང/སོང/མྱོང
it depends on the verb that we are conjugating or how can I distinguish wich one to use?

སོང་ literally means ‘went’. It is general past tense for anything you witnessed happen. (The general present for events you are witnessing is འདུག་). It is by far the most common of the three you mention. The simple answer is you will almost always use this one.

བྱུང་ literally means ‘arose’, and it also means something happened. It is much less frequent. It can also be used in coordination with སོང་, བྱུང་སོང་།. At A1 level, you shouldn’t worry about having to use it too much. Just know what it means, and listen out for it.

མྱོང་ means ‘to experience’. You can use it to talk about things you’ve done or experienced (or haven’t done or experienced). Example: ང་རྒྱ་གར་ལ་འགྲོ་མྱོང་མེད། “I’ve never been to India”. But it is also used much less frequently.

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